A positive online community for Digital Leaders across the UK

Childnet has created a platform for young people from across the UK to share knowledge, ideas and inspiration to learn from each other and make the most of your roles as Digital Leaders.

Our aim is to ensure that this platform is inclusive and safe, and that it’s a place where young people can participate in intelligent, inspiring and lively conversations.

The golden rules

Be kind and supportive

  • We will not tolerate any mean comments, personal attacks or online bullying on this platform.
  • People have different opinions. Please try to talk nicely to each other about issues rather than arguing.
  • We will not tolerate any hate speech such as racism, sexism or homophobia.

Be helpful

  • Keep it relevant. The Community page is a great way to find out about what other Digital Leaders are doing and to share knowledge, but make sure that the discussions continue to be on topic.
  • Do not post spam to the Community by posting the same message multiple times. This does not add anything new to the discussion and can be annoying for others to see. If you see this happening in the Community please report the comments to let us know (see FAQs below to report spam).

Be professional

  • Use appropriate language. No swearing or offensive language please. If you wouldn’t say it to a teacher at school then don’t post it on this platform.
  • Do not post any inappropriate images, videos or other content.
  • Respect copyright: make sure you give the source for any content which you do not own the rights to.

Protect privacy

  • Don’t share your personal information – for example, your full name, email addresses, social media profiles or phone number.
  • Don’t post any personal information about others – and this includes sharing photos or videos without asking permission from that person first.

Look out for each other

  • We rely on the community to report any content that breaks these rules.
  • Report any content that you think might break these rules using the report buttons provided (see FAQs below for more information)
  • You can also email leaders@childnet.com to raise any issues, but please include information about the content you wish to report.
  • If you are concerned about a young person on this platform, then please speak to your group leaders, call us on 0207 639 6967 or email leaders@childnet.com.
  • If you need help urgently (for example, if a young person has posted that they will hurt themselves) then please make use of these other sources of support:
    • Tell a trusted adult immediately, for example a parent or teacher.
    • If you are worried about the safety of a young person, please call the police on 999.
    • Remember you can always visit Childline to chat to a counsellor online or call them on 0800 1111 if you ever need to talk to someone in confidence. You can also contact Samaritans.


What should I do if I see something on the platform that breaks these rules?

If you see anything on this platform that you think might break these Community Rules, then use the report buttons provided on the platform (see below for more information).

These reports will be received by the Childnet team and we will aim to review within 48 hours. We may take longer over weekends or national holidays.

Where can I find the report button?

You can report a post in the Community by clicking on the post and pressing Report content


These reports will be received by the Childnet team and we will aim to review within 48 hours. We may take longer over weekends or national holidays.


You can report a user by going to their profile and clicking on Report user.

You can also report content to us directly at leaders@childnet.com or by clicking Contact Childnet at the bottom of this webpage. Please include information about what you are concerned about.

Will my report be confidential?

We will keep your report anonymous so that the person you are reporting does not know who has reported them.

We will email you to let you know what we have done to respond to your concerns.

If we are concerned about the safety of you or another young person, then we will need to share information with key organisations who will help, for example, your school or the police.

What might happen to a person if they are found to be breaking the rules?

If we see content that breaks these rules, then we will remove the post and let the group leader in charge of their group know.

If a Digital Leader continues to break these rules, Childnet has the right to remove that individual from the platform and/or from the Childnet Digital Leaders Programme.

Where else can I get help and support?

If you are worried about something that’s happening online or offline, please make use of these sources of support. You don’t have to deal with it on your own.

  • Speak to a trusted adult, for example a parent, teacher, school nurse or youth leader.
  • Remember you can always visit Childline to chat to a counsellor online or call them on 0800 1111 if you ever need to talk to someone in confidence.
  • You can also contact Samaritans for support if you are feeling low or suicidal, or if you are worried about a friend.

Using the primary platform during school closures

Digital Leaders should only be using the primary online training platform with their teachers when in school.

If you are a Digital Leader and not in currently going to school, please log out of the platform now.

Teachers can access the platform as normal.

We are soon hoping to have the presentations and worksheets available for teachers to give to their Digital Leaders to continue their training, particularly so that those Digital Leaders who may be leaving primary school this year can finish their training. Additionally, primary teachers should be receiving mini-activities for their Digital Leaders via email every week.

If you would like further information about the primary programme during schools closures, please email leaders@childnet.com.

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